Dear Matthew,
We are excited to share with you a brand-new video introducing the Thrive Approach and the impact it can help you have on the lives of children and young people. The video is perfect to share with anyone looking to learn more about Thrive and how it can be used as a whole-school approach to emotional health and wellbeing.
One way to help promote the wellbeing of your pupils is by training a Senior Mental Health Lead. If you haven’t yet applied for DfE funding, there’s still time! Keep reading to find out about the DfE grant and how to book a place on Thrive training.
Also in this update, there are new activities recommended in Thrive practice for all ages, including sensory games, breathing techniques and mindfulness ideas. Plus, a new case study with Heath Farm School, sharing how Thrive has helped pupils manage and reflect on their behaviour, build resilience and access learning.
Best wishes, Lee Prichard Head of UK Regional Development
NEW Introduction to Thrive video
This new video shows how Thrive helps you support the emotional health of children and young people and showcases some of the schools already using the Approach.
The video is a great resource to share with colleagues who would like to learn more about the Thrive Approach and the impact it can have on your whole school community.
Don’t miss out – limited funding remaining for Designated Senior Mental Health Lead training
DfE grants for senior mental health lead training are still available on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you haven’t yet applied for funding and booked your Thrive training, click below to find out how to do so. Due to high demand, additional places have been added to courses starting in January 2022.
More Thrive activities for all ages
Thrive offers a dynamic, developmental approach that draws on established neuroscience and child development.
This means all children and young people can benefit - from early years to adolescence.
These new resources have simple activities recommended in Thrive practice for different age groups, including sensory games for babies and toddlers, breathing techniques for children and mindfulness ideas for young people.
Coming soon! Look out for the Thrive kindness calendar, full of simple acts of kindness for children and young people to try throughout December. Click the icons at the bottom of this email to follow Thrive on social media.
Case study: Heath Farm School – helping children and young people understand their emotions
"Nothing gives us greater joy than knowing how we have turned some of our pupils’ lives around with the Thrive Approach" - Nina Jones, Learning Support Assistant at Heath Farm School.
Read the latest Thrive case study with Heath Farm School, a Special Educational Needs setting in Kent.
Heath Farm suffered from a disruptive atmosphere due to a combination of students with a range of behavioural difficulties and varying needs. They wanted to build a calm environment that would allow students to access their full potential.